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Return to Work Plans Following the COVID-19 Pandemic

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In preparation for reopening after the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it’s imperative that companies thoughtfully construct a return to work plan for employees. Return to work plans should be tailored to unique business needs and follow local and state regulations.

With an established return to work plan, employers can enjoy increased employee engagement and productivity, proactive cost containment, reduced turnover, increased communication and improved morale. As stay-at-home regulations are scaled back and all businesses are allowed to resume as normal, your employees will be asked to come back to work.

Your COVID-19 return to work plan should include the following:

  • Anticipated return to work date—While being flexible as local and
    state orders frequently change, provide clear information and dates
    for when employees are to return to work.
  • Disinfecting and cleaning measures—Because COVID-19 can remain
    on surfaces long after they’ve been touched, it’s important that your
    business frequently cleans and disinfects your facilities.
  • Social distancing protocol—Best practices include maintaining at least
    6 feet of distance from others, hosting meetings virtually and limiting
    the number of people on the job site to essential personnel only.
  • Employee screening procedures—To keep employees safe, consider
    identifying potentially ill employees before they enter the office. You
    can learn more about temperature screening in the next article.
  • Employee safety training—It’s important to provide guidance to
    ensure that all employees understand how they can prevent the
    spread of COVID-19 through respiratory etiquette, hand hygiene,
    personal protective equipment and staying home when sick.
  • Mental health considerations—The COVID-19 pandemic has increased
    stress levels of employees across the country. It’s important to plan
    for managing mental health concerns when employees return to work.
  • Process for individualized requests—Be flexible and compassionate in
    your response to employee requests that have arisen as a result of the

Contact Dansig today to learn what actions you need to take to ensure your employees’ return to work is as safe and seamless as possible.

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